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How to Change FOV in Warzone Pacific on Console

One of the biggest features players wish would be added to Call of Duty Warzone Pacific is the option to change the FOV slider.

With the newest update, Warzone was moved over to the Vanguard engine, and many players believed that meant they’d get all the same settings.

How to Change FOV in Warzone Pacific on Console
There is currently no FOV slider in Warzone Pacific on console.

Unfortunately for those playing on their Xbox or PlayStation system, all console players are forced to keep their FOV at 80.

Above, you can see what the different between FOV numbers is.

To put it simply, a higher FOV means more view distance and is a huge advantage for PC players when it comes to crossplay and console players are left with nothing with no FOV slider.

A quick look through the “Warzone FOV” search query on Twitter will show how many players are left disappointed with the lack of the important setting.

According to CharlieINTEL on Twitter, the main reason for the lack of an FOV slider is due to “…the dip in performance was too significant with the map size + player count that it effected the overall experience of playing.”

Despite this, fans of Warzone are still hoping and waiting for an FOV update.



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